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Map service aimed at the creation of a web app related to the land recycling indicator. The land recycling indicator is calculated from the Urban Atlas 2006-2012 changes, according to the methodology specified in the corresponding indicator.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "Subject": "Map service aimed at the creation of a web app related to the land recycling indicator.", "Category": "", "Version": "10.1", "AntialiasingMode": "None", "TextAntialiasingMode": "Force", "Keywords": "Land,land recycling,soil,EEA,indicator" }, "supportsQueryDomains": true, "capabilities": "Map,Query,Data", "supportedQueryFormats": "JSON, geoJSON, PBF", "exportTilesAllowed": false, "referenceScale": 0.0, "supportsDatumTransformation": true, "archivingInfo": {"supportsHistoricMoment": false}, "supportsClipping": true, "supportsSpatialFilter": true, "supportsTimeRelation": true, "supportsQueryDataElements": true, "mapUnits": {"uwkid": 9102}, "maxRecordCount": 1000, "maxImageHeight": 4096, "maxImageWidth": 4096, "supportedExtensions": "KmlServer, WMSServer" }