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Legend (Agriculture/Greening_CAP)

forest exemption rule (2)
EFA per NUTS3 region as a percentage of the total Non Organic Utilised Agricultural Area (incl areas with forest exemption rule) (3)
< 15 ha EFA per holding or no CAP < 15 ha EFA per holding or no CAP
< 1 % < 1 %
1 - 2 % 1 - 2 %
2 - 3 % 2 - 3 %
3 - 6 % 3 - 6 %
forest exemption rule (5)
EFA (km2) per NUTS3 region (incl areas with forest exemption rule) (6)
< 15 ha EFA per holding or no CAP < 15 ha EFA per holding or no CAP
0 - 50 km2 0 - 50 km2
50 - 100 km2 50 - 100 km2
100 - 150 km2 100 - 150 km2
150 - 200 km2 150 - 200 km2
> 200 km2 > 200 km2
no CAP (8)
Compliance of permanent grassland showing the percentage of permanent grassland within Natura 2K sites per NUTS 3 region (incl no CAP areas) (9)
<10 % <10 %
10 - 25 % 10 - 25 %
25 - 50 % 25 - 50 %
50 - 75 % 50 - 75 %
75 - 100 % 75 - 100 %
no CAP (11)
Compliance of permanent grassland showing the total area of permanent grassland per NUTS region (incl no CAP areas) (12)
< 50 < 50
50 - 100 50 - 100
100 - 200 100 - 200
200 - 300 200 - 300
300 - 400 300 - 400
> 400 > 400