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Legend (LCFs/Agri_00_06_last)

Conversion from semi-natural land to agriculture (0)
1% - 5% 1% - 5%
6% - 10% 6% - 10%
11% - 30% 11% - 30%
more than 30% more than 30%
Expansion of grassland and longer term fallow land (1)
1% - 5% 1% - 5%
6% - 30% 6% - 30%
more than 30% more than 30%
Conversion from grassland to arable land and permanent crops (2)
1% - 5% 1% - 5%
6% - 30% 6% - 30%
more than 30% more than 30%
Withdrawal of agricultural area (3)
1% - 5% 1% - 5%
6% - 10% 6% - 10%
11% - 30% 11% - 30%
more than 30% more than 30%