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snippet: The aim of the LUCAS survey is to gather harmonised data on land use/cover and their changes over tim. The survey also provides additional territorial info.
summary: The aim of the LUCAS survey is to gather harmonised data on land use/cover and their changes over tim. The survey also provides additional territorial info.
extent: [[-48.143193264686,-2.52216301988795],[59.3513865120467,72.0173515155216]]
accessInformation: GISCO, LUCAS, Eurostat
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: The Land use/cover area frame survey (LUCAS) was initially developed to deliver, on a yearly basis, European crop estimates for the European Commission. With time, the survey has become essential in providing policymakers and statisticians alike with increasing amounts of data on different forms of land use in Europe and proved to be a useful tool in the area of environmental monitoringTraditionally land has been considered as a basis for comparing statistics in specific domains (e.g. agricultural statistics in different geographical areas) and rarely as an independent issue As a consequence the official statistics linked to land are often spread among different statistical fields (agriculture, environment, forestry, etc.) and not always well integrated.With the growing need for matching both dimensions (land cover and land use), Eurostat started to produce harmonized land cover/use statistics in addition to the traditional specific ones linked to a particular land cover/use type (e.g. agriculture, etc). This harmonised information on land cover and land use is collected through the LUCAS survey, which is directly implemented by Eurostat. The specific land cover/use statistics are collected in co-operation with the EU countries.The most important specific land cover/use data collection activities are linked to agriculture (Crop statistics and Farm Structure Survey), forestry and environment .ComparabilityDue to mainly methodological differences, the overall data (LUCAS) and topic specific land cover/use data are not always comparable.Eurostat's land cover and land use dataThe Eurostat land cover/use database contains statistics down to the NUTS 2 level and landscape indicators at national level.Data source: <a href=''></a>
title: LUCAS Land cover/use statistics 2001 to 2009
type: Map Service
tags: ["Land Use","Land Cover","Photography"]
culture: en-GB
name: LucasPublic20012009_WM
guid: 1E14DFEA-9A2C-4CAC-BDE5-851FEA1C279F
spatialReference: ETRS_1989_LAEA